I am Liubov as an artist under the name Momalyu, creating work inspired by the nature, the sunlight on the leaves and flowers. My art journey has always been one of trying to create a sense of joy, a feeling of love, warmth. Welcome to my art space!
Pozdravljeni, na moji spletni strani !
Zelo sem vesela, da vam lahko predstavim svoja dela.
Sem Liubov, umetnica pod imenom Momalyu. Ustvarjam dela, navdihnjena z naravo, sončno svetlobo na listih in cvetovih. Na svoji umetniški poti sem vedno poskušala ustvariti občutek veselja, ljubezni, topline. Dobrodošli v mojem umetniškem prostoru!
Hello! I’m so glad you are here!
For thousands of years, ancient peoples considered the earth alive, so they worshiped and venerated it, sang hymns, read prayers and performed rituals in it's honor.
The exhibition “Gaia and the Spirits of the Nature” is dedicated to exploring man's place in the space of the living world around us. Through a collection of vibrant and expressive paintings, the artists invite viewers to think about their relationship with the environment and to look at nature as an inexhaustible source of happiness.
The paintings featured in the exhibition convey the complex beauty of animals, plants and landscapes, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all life on Earth. Each of the three artists uses her own painting technique and color palette, different according to the individual's pursuit of deep understanding of our planet, proclaiming its excellence and expressing a commitment to preserving it for future generations.
I am Love (Liubov- transl.). That's my name, and that's my way of exploring and reimagining the world around me. My art is a way to connect with my true beginning, highlight everything good and good in myself and others through contemplation of the beauty of nature and connection with it. Contemplating nature, which opens towards the rays of the sun, I find much in common with how our souls open towards love, transforming. So, drawing resources from nature, I paint light and harmony.
Visit my Instagram page to see what I’m currently working on